For the past few weeks I have been thinking on different topics to write my next post on. But somehow, I could not decide on any one. From thoughts of me sitting in the Walk-in refrigerator of the hotel I work in to the feelings passing through me as I explore new relationships and places in a country so culturally and structurally different from the one I grew up in. But every time I start writing, I end too many sentences short of a publishable post. It seems as days progress, there are much too many changes cropping up in me that I am lost to myself too. Few days I pass time doing nothing but watching movies. Other days I have such deep thoughts that I am startled whenever someone says my name. Just the other day, I was thinking of how lucky I was to have this life. On my paternal side, my grandfather was one of the Village Leaders and one of the first few to step out of the village. My dad studied in a college situated 11 kms from my village and joined the Indian Na...