In our daily lives, we have this most important work that we tend to spend time on everyday regardless of how many other things we really need to finish. Procrastination!!! Don't worry. I won't be complaining or giving out some great technique to fight procrastination. It's a never ending fight we are bound to lose one day or other. I think it's the most addictive thing in the world. You can never stop fighting or you are taken under. I have heard of many different techniques and tried some of them too. The latest one that I am trying is something called the 2 Minute Technique . Basically, you do something you really should be doing for 2 minutes. Then inertia takes over and you tend to finish the work before you know it. The thing is, my brain is much cleverer than me. Just when I am about to get over my inertia of procrastinating and get into the mood of getting things done, it distracts me so badly and for so long that I have wasted days without doing nothing...