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Procrastination, Humans and Mothers...

In our daily lives, we have this most important work that we tend to spend time on everyday regardless of how many other things we really need to finish. Procrastination!!!

Don't worry. I won't be complaining or giving out some great technique to fight procrastination. It's a never ending fight we are bound to lose one day or other. I think it's the most addictive thing in the world. You can never stop fighting or you are taken under. I have heard of many different techniques and tried some of them too. The latest one that I am trying is something called the 2 Minute Technique. Basically, you do something you really should be doing for 2 minutes. Then inertia takes over and you tend to finish the work before you know it.

The thing is, my brain is much cleverer than me. Just when I am about to get over my inertia of procrastinating and get into the mood of getting things done, it distracts me so badly and for so long that I have wasted days without doing nothing.

Recently, I started watching this show called Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. Awesome show that presents the biggest news in the week gone by as a comedy piece. The thing I like best is that he tends to keep things true. And asks exactly the questions I wanna ask and with enough amount of resources spent in collecting data about each matter. Makes you wanna wonder how can we of the same tribe (homo sapiens, if you are wondering what I mean) are so varied in our thoughts and actions. One tries his best to build and create, the other does his best to destroy. What freaks you out is that they both have their own twisted logic to show what they are doing is right. What freaks me out more is that each will be able to convince any common man to his path with enough coverage and ammunition. And there is no end to it. But in the end, the show is one more way for me to procrastinate.

Anyway, while procrastinating once again today, I found this post written towards mothers. We read a lot of posts about mothers and motherhood. Each of them either tell us how great our mothers are or how much they have sacrificed. Most of them try and make mothers divine. (Don't judge me yet! I ain't questioning these posts or mom's divinity.) The thing is I do agree with most of these posts. Yet this post almost moved me to tears because of the fact that it was something written by a mother to another mother. It showed us that our mom's are human.

It emphasizes that mom does have her hands full sometimes just managing her kids. While a kid makes her leave her shopping unfinished, the other forces her to forget her errand completely. While it could be due to the kid feeling angry, disappointed, frustrated, tired, hungry or just seeking attention, the mother does reach a breaking point sometimes. And when she does, she tends to somehow keep herself in check. And as mentioned in the post, it's one of the hardest things to do. Keep yourself in check when all you wanna do is shout or hit someone. And I don't even mean it as "hard for mothers". It's hard for anybody.

But whose fault is that situation? Is it the child's? The child who might feel scarred if the mother unleashes her fury? The child who just wants to spend time with the mother? The innocent little kid throwing the tantrum? Or is it the mother's? The mother who wants to get things done? The mother who wants to bring up her kids in the best way possible? The mother who wants to make things right but is helpless, powerless and feels lonely in her plight?

It's nobody's fault. It's just something Life throws at you. If you go through the comments in that post, there are so many people who support the author and many who look down in contempt because they think they brought their kids up "the better way". But there's so many opportunities in life for a kid to get to their parents. As mentioned by one Kimberly Frey Ackerman in the comments, "Your infant may have been precious, your toddler the most adorable and maybe your teen was very well-rounded... BUT at some point before you die this child will test your limits. With the many obstacles life has to offer, you may find yourself there through their divorce, their job search (or lack thereof), their marriage or children, or their desire to put you in a nursing home..." The list is endless. And one day any person will break. The fall is unavoidable. But it need not be complete and utter. It's manageable. It's understandable. And most importantly, the others who have gone through it before you are there to support.

All of us go through such kind of situations in life. Whether it's with your children, your siblings, your friends, your spouse, colleagues, employees, employers or even your own parents. It's okay to break. It's okay to feel bad. All you need is a little empathy. A little concern. Or just a supportive nod. And then, you are back on your feet. Making your stuff happen and dealing with your life. And just as you need that one little supportive nod, so do a lot of other people in the world.

Just look around, see if anyone around you seem to be at the point of breaking. Look them in the eye and nod. Because all they need to know is that there is someone who can understand what they are going through. Someone to remind them that it's okay and they can withstand it.

And now, I need somebody to tell me, "We have procrastinated too. We understand. Stop rambling and get back to work!"

P. S. If you were wondering what the link is between Procrastination, Humans and Mothers, don't worry, there's no direct link. That's just how my mind works!!!


Kimberly Frey Ackerman said…
That's cool. :)

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