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"On the floor a child is sitting on a carpet and his cries echo all through the house.

His mom tries a hundred and one ways as do every mother. But as it happens with every other household, the baby does not stop his wailing. The Dad comes in and even he tries as many ways as he can including scolding the poor little guy. But what to do... The baby does not understand nor does he care."

Till now the incident that I have described is an incident that has happened or will happen and might still be happening in most of the houses... (I fear saying all cause there will be exceptions to every hypothesis...!!!!)

But that which follows happened in my home (in fact with me!) :

"The mother, as if struck by a brainwave, took out a comic book from a nearby book case and showed it to the sobbing kid. The crying came to an abrupt stop. The little kid took that book and 

tore all the pages 
in an attempt to touch all the pictures in the silly book (The video is just a simile!). His fascination did not end with the pieces of that book. Instead that slippery guy went ahead and pulled out everything that contained a lot of pictures (Well, colors, actually!).

By the time he could barely read he started understanding that books can be read without tearing too..."

Ok Ok! I guess this much of a story is enough to get you people interested.

But to me, a story never ended where the book stopped. Thanks to the early initiation into the glorious worlds hidden between the pages of a slim book, my imagination let me go wild with my theories and experiments.

Now, don't think "What experiments can be done with books???"

Well, let us take the most famous Fiction right now. The Harry Potter series.

J. K. Rowling has done a really great work of literature there. And I have heard of reports saying that due to her Harry Potter Series many children got back their interest in books and many others started reading due to it!

But even now, I have some friends who have never read one Harry Potter book but instead have watched the movies. And if I stress upon the virtues of reading the book, they say. "What do you get from reading boring books? How do you endure being a Bookworm???"

Trust humans to show a novelty as a headache!!!


We know misers who love to smell their money. But when we do so, we either get the stench of our own sweat or none at all!!! 
But the smell of books, especially new ones takes me to the Seventh Heaven. And entering a library full of books is analogous to a miser entering Scrooge McDucks Treasure Tower.

Since childhood, I hated the real world for all its limits, wrongs and evil in it. Everyday my Dad used to put News 24 hours and all the time it used to show murders, cheats, rapes, etc. etc. et cetra!!!

So I would love to go into the realm of Fantasy and lose myself in magic.... But my first books taught me two things:

1. Humans are the most resourceful bunch of living things on Earth who can turn even Pure Magic into Evil (even though its only in Books!).
2. Whatever happens, in the end, all good wins over evil.

So you see, I loved the novels, the fantasy, the magic!
And I got pulled into them, to such an extent that I became a "BOOKWORM"!

So on behalf of all Bookworms, I say, "If you people can't understand us and do not want to let us be what we are then please...

.... go jump off an iceberg!!!!"



Anonymous said…

Interesting way to look at the situation, although I'd dare say, not the only way of looking at it. As you say, books can be a sort of exit from the horrors of the real world, into the fantastically utopian lands where even beasts can be gentle.

But, like any other thing, books are of different kinds. Some, as you said, take you into a land far away from what we exist in. But some pretty much stay 'grounded'. Even I used to be very much into the genre of fantasy till maybe 5-6 years ago. But I hardly read such books nowadays. Most of what I read today is very much "Real', to put it that way.

Still, I cannot deny that I do not venture into the magical lands of Tolkien and Rowling...once in a while. :)

Keep reading, and please, keep writing. Looking forward to regular blog posts.

Take care buddy.
Yes, JK. I understand that there are many other ways to look at the situation. The point here is to describe my perspective.
And coming to the "real" kind of books. Even they have some amount of the imaginary bit and that's why they are classified in Fiction.

But thanks for correcting me and sure will take care I wont make those mistakes again. :)
padma said…
hari nice i think i am not that much broad minded to say r to coment this sry hari :)
Lovely guy said…
HI friend,
The world around is as we see it is often quoted dictum. It has a strong base which even an intellectual may not agree with or comprehend because of logical reasoning or may be individual's PERSPECTIVE. The PERSPECTIVE surely represents one's knowledge about a thing or some thing.
Well, The bottom line is if one needs to excel, he/she had to be eccentric to some extent like you. This makes u think out of the box which is the requirement of present world. SOOOOOOO U R simply one of those few who can make difference to the people around. Keep on writing and sharing cool videos/audios.

Hey padma, there is nothing called broad or narrow minds. It is just about as much one understands and feels. SOOOOOOOOOO keep expressing ur self and u will be called broad minded.

ENJOY, ENJOY,ENJOY precious life.
Thank you, Lovely guy for your valuable comment and also for lifting me to Cloud Nine with your statement "who can make difference to the people around"!!!

But even so, Eccentricity would be a concept I would surely like to talk about!

Guys, do expect a post on Eccentricity soon!!!!

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