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Love is Blind! Or is it???


A feeling that can not be explained... A thrill that can only be experienced...

Reading hundreds of novels and stories.... Watching number of movies... And listening to maddeningly romantic songs.... Everything contributed to my impression of that great feeling called "LOVE"!!!

But it also caused me to feel bitter as I did not have any lover.... Unfortunately, a fairly common sight nowadays is a girl and a boy enjoying themselves oblivious to everyone around. And the most obvious conclusion: they are lovers!!!

And in these couples, I always checked out the guy first. Not because I was interested in him (I am not gay, fellas!!!), but because I wanted to see, what was in that guy, which I do not have... But in the few minutes it took for them to pass me, I could not find anything even remotely attractive in most couples, I saw... (Of course, I thought rather much of myself at those times...)

And once they passed me, I would turn back and look at the girl... Now searching for reasons why I might love her.... Even so, I could not find anything interesting...

And 5 years of loneliness and such thoughts later, I experienced something that changed my view of love, altogether!!!

In my B.Tech Second Year, I met a girl... Rather, I worked with her for some time.... The first time I saw her, I knew I had a crush on her.... But as the circumstances played out... The crush had a very short life time... Almost in under 10 days, I went through a horde of emotions from the most romantic to the most bitter... The girl had never had any feelings for me... Though she had roused my romantic feelings from slumber, though she had proved to me that even I can love... She never intended to love me... (Yet, its all thanks to her that I realized what I did and my life became even more beautiful!!!)

The months that followed were really bad for me... I thought the gods were cruel to me... That the girl herself was cruel to me.. I cried, I got depressed... I felt that I had been mistreated by all... But in the end, I came over it.... And one way that I decreased my sadness was by donating blood... (Metaphorically, bleeding in Love!!! :-P)

But my philosophical and eccentric brain could not leave it as it is... It started analyzing things... And this analyses has given rise to many thoughts.... The foremost of which was some kind of revenge!

I thought that since she had spurned me, I shall love everyone around me rather than just her... That way no one would be able to spurn me again and I wouldn't have to go through all the sadness and depression associated with it.. And so, I started loving each and every person around me....

And then, I found out a secret... Such an important secret that it actually made my  love-less life much more bearable.... And the secret was thus:

All the time I could not find anything in the boy or the girl worth loving, I used to remember the maxim "Love is Blind!!!"

But now, I understand that Love isn't blind... It is we who are blind... If you love someone, you will find something or the other in them that makes them even more lovable... And that just increases the reasons for loving them... Love is not blind... It gives us new sight.... It does not cover the defects of a person..... Rather Love shows us the good in the individual...

And forearmed with this knowledge, I started building relationships.... I loved all my friends and all those who called me "anna" and "bhaiyya"... And this love has made me realize the best in everyone... I now understand that I was wrong in my perception... Maybe if I had loved that girl passing me with her boyfriend, I would have understood why he loved her so much....

So, now I love everyone around me and hope that someday, a girl will look at this and think:

"If this guy can love so many people together so much, then if he concentrates his love for just me, the depth of his love would be really great..."

Guys and girls, I know the secret of a relationship... I now know the value of Love... And friends, believe me when I say that if you are alone and still want to make your own life beautiful, then the best way to go about it would be by loving everyone around you... And hopefully, one day, a girl (or a boy, whichever) would come by you and think the above words, I am sure your life would be beautiful then...

Love you all, friends... :)


durga said…
it is good............
Anusha challa said…
Naku nachindi nice one hari ....
Kartik Aysola said…
the title has a grammatical error :)
OH, man! U gotta comment on the post not on its title!!!!

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