Theology and
Science are two completely opposite Realms. One depends on beliefs, fear and
trust to explain the Universe and its mysteries. While the other uses
principles, methods and proofs to do the same. In fact, they can be viewed as
two sides of the same coin. Things which could be explained logically with
proofs came under Science. Theology, on the other hand, explains everything
else in the Cosmic Universe.

A common man
has a healthy respect for both Theology and Science. Though, some may not bow
to the thought of God, they do agree that a Higher Power exists which keeps the
Universe running. It is inbred and thus, unavoidable. A person however
scientific will have some part of his believing in Theology and every priest,
however, orthodox would surely have to bow to the principles of Science in
daily life.
Theology is a
frame of thought which is based upon belief and faith, while Science is based
on principles, proofs and methods. Theology makes one humble; Science exudes
pride. A Priest is the instrument of Theology and a Robot is a being of
Science. And thus, both are the extreme believers of opposite thought flows.

When I was a
kid in 2010, I was told that by 2020, Science and Theology would come to terms.
Both flows of thought would be amalgamated. And there would be no more feuds.
But as new scientific inventions and discoveries were made, followers stuck to
their established thoughts even more vehemently.
Here I was,
in 2033, an Orthodox Priest of the Universal Religion, clinging to the
Theological thought flow and hoping that mankind would come back to their
senses and embrace Theology as their salvation instead of going around doing
petty things that were destroying the Universe and mankind too. Being a popular
orator and debater, I had been involved in many debates between Theology and
Science and had easily won most of them.
However the
day came when I met my match. I had never had to think so much in a debate.
Everything he said, I tried to counter and every argument by me was also
countered equally logically. It was the hottest debate of the century with the
hologram being broadcasted all over the world Live!
My opponent
was no human. He was Quentin. The most advanced Robot of the country. It was a
debate organized by his makers to serve a dual purpose: to defeat the best
Theologian around and so defeating Theology, once and for all; and to test the
Robot’s debating capabilities (or so I was led to believe).

Quentin might
be a very advanced robot. But in the end, he is just a machine working on
inference techniques, cybernetics and bionics. So, his understanding of the
complex concepts of God and Theology was questionable. And so, I started off by
exploring his understanding of these concepts with “What do you understand by

answered in his deceptively cultured voice, “Theology is the systematic and
rational study of religion and its influences and of the nature of religious
My usual
exasperation with robots returned for a second. I said, “That is a definition.
Tell me what you understand by it.”
And Quentin’s
answer was something quite different from the ones presented by other Robots.
He said, “Theology is Science’s attempt to understand religion. It is how
Science tries to put God, Religion and Religious Truths into a logical
structure so it can be explained in a systematic way without using too many
baseless assumptions.”
I was
“So you
believe that Theology is also a Science?”
“I infer from
all the definitions I have found that Theology is just one branch of Science
that expounds principles based on too many assumptions.”
“Assumptions such
“Such as God
created the Universe.”

“And God did
make the Universe. He made the Universe, the plants, animals and man. And man
made you.”
we have found evidence of both Big Bang Theory and Evolution Theory.”
“Your Big
Bang Theory only tells about the start of the Universe from a small
concentrated mass. So, how did that mass come to be? And how long will your
Universe continue to expand? Also, your Evolution Theory says that Nature
selects the best species to live. Doesn’t that make Nature a higher power?”
“The Big Bang
Theory is also complimented by the Big Crunch Theory. According to this theory,
after expanding to its limit, the Universe starts re-collapsing in itself
ending up as the small dense mass from which the Big Bang occurs. The Big Bang
and the Big Crunch Theories create an endless cycle of Bangs and Crunches.”
“This concept
is very similar to the Hindu concept of 4 Yugas which occur in an endless
cycle. In fact, the four Eons – Hadean Eon, Archean Eon, Proterozoic Eon and
Phanerozoic Eons are the scientific counterparts of the Hindu Sat Yuga, Thretha
Yuga, Dwapara Yuga and Kali Yuga.”

“You can’t
say Eons and Yugas are from each other just because of the similarity in the
number of partitions. The durations of the Eons are vastly different from that prescribed
in the Hindu Vedas for the Yugas. Besides, there is no mention of a Big Bang or
a Big Crunch in the Hindu Mythology.”
the Mythology dictates that at the end of every Yuga there is huge destruction
on the Earthly Realm with the destruction at the end of Kali Yuga being very
big and fierce. This destruction is also interpreted as the collapse of the
Universe and thus, the Sat Yuga is where the creation occurs. In such a
perspective your Big Bang and Big Crunch Theories are just the extreme
interpretations of these statements by assigning them to the Universe rather
than just to the Earth. Even if we do believe that the Theories were true, what
would decide when the Big Crunch or the Big Bang should happen?”
It took
Quentin about half a second to look up the answers. He said, “The reason for
the expansion is the repulsing force emanating from the dense amounts of mass located
near each other. As the distance increases and the density decreases, the
repulsive forces would weaken and the attractive forces would start getting
stronger. When this happens, the Universe starts its Big Crunch, by starting to
decrease in size until both the opposite forces balance themselves. But since
there is no friction in space, the momentum carries them forward so much so
that it ends up as a small ball with huge density. Thus, the opposing forces
decide when the Big Bang or Big Crunch will occur.”

That was a
pretty tight answer with very few loopholes. Yet, I had my cards to play.
I said, “You
give a very comprehensive answer, but you still call them Theories. What gives
you the confidence to deliver that answer then?”
measurements of the distances between the galaxies clearly show a decrease in
the acceleration of the galaxies. This gives us conclusive proofs that we are
in the phase where a Big Bang has occurred and we are nearing the phase where a
Big Crunch shall start.”
“Your conclusions
are based on measurements which are approximate and they do not tell us that a
Big Crunch will occur. According to those calculations, the expansion might
stop when the balance occurs but we have no proof that the Universe will
compress later.”
“You might be
right in that instance.”
I smiled.
“Okay. What
is the basis of your Science?”
“A large
number of various groups of Laws, Principles and Theories discovered and
introduced by various scientific geniuses who span over hundreds of years.”
“Exactly! They
‘discovered’ these Laws. They did not create them. These laws were in force
since time immemorial. The Scientists only gave substance to them by making it
known to the common man. Right?”
“So, how did
these laws come to be?”
“They were in
force from the start of time and each law or principle has different reasons
behind its enforcement.”
“And haven’t
all these laws faced exceptions or contradictions or even amendments one or
more times since their framing?”
“Yes, most of
them have been amended or completely discarded due to exceptions.”
“So, who
updates these rules? How do the exceptions crop up?”
exceptions crop up due to random and stray circumstances influencing the normal
“So how do
these ‘stray’ circumstances appear?”
“I have no answer.”
“All this is
God’s hand in play. The exceptions are created so as to remind Man that all
they take for granted shall change without a moment’s notice and to show that a
higher power exists. Also, these principles are enforced by the Lord so man can
have a semblance of control. So he can live without too much of randomness.”
“I am not
able to process this.”
“That is
because you are based upon logical inferences. And logical inferences can not
describe or understand a higher power that does not follow the logical
And with that
Quentin stopped talking. It took the technicians about 2 days to get his system
out of the loop. But still, I have a feeling that without a mix of Science and
Theology we can’t explain the existence of Universe, Man and everything to the
acceptance of everyone.

Note: This discussion is purely fictional.It has been written as a debate between the theologian and the scientist within me. The discussion could have been even more long but you wouldn't have the patience to read it so I have cut it short by letting the priest win. But please be rest assured that I am as much of a scientist as I am a theologian and philosopher. Hope you liked it. Adios!!!